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HEALINGS provides an opportunity to close vaccination gaps and solve persistent health inequities by galvanizing disparate regional efforts and forging unbreakable connections between BIPOC Minnesotans and the state, local, private, and nonprofit entities that serve them. 

"The heart of this proposal is our commitment to Multi Cultural Community Alliance (MCCA) Coalition that we will be culturally responsive and adaptive to the unique attributes of diverse population groups. Because our work is community-informed, we entrust cultural organizations and liaisons with developing and implementing diverse outreach and engagement activities, honoring their unique cultural knowledge and relationships."  

Click => Covid Vaccination Events to see COVID vaccination events convened by Project HEALINGS partners. 


Diversity Council Chinese American Chamber of Commerce, MN Asian Media Access Asian Art Alliance HACER COLLEGE STUDENTS
CONNECTING FOR CHANGE PandemicResponders CMRC Encouraging Leaders ICAM Journie Unidos MN  Thai Cultural Council of Minnesota ECRM MN Indonesian Society MN Zej Zog (Hmong)

December 14, 2022 Project HEALINGS Mini Grant

All BIPOC Community Based Groups hosting cultural events whre vaccine information is provided and vaccinations can be offered are welcome to apply. 


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November 02, 2022 Project HEALINGS of MN Covid-19 Series - Articles 6

Series 6  Articles: Strength in vaccines: How parents protect their children.

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October 01, 2022 Project HEALINGS of MN Covid-19 Series - Articles 5


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September 03, 2022 Project HEALINGS of MN Covid-19 Series - Articles 4

Vaccination empowers learning learning about health and wellness: Covid disproportionate health impacts to black community. 

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August 05, 2022 Project HEALINGS of MN Covid-19 Series - Articles 3

1. Vacines protect pregnancy and privacy - Find out now. 2, VACCINATION EMPOWERS LEARNING ABOUT OVERALL HEALTH AND WELLNESS


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July 22, 2022 Why Get Vaccinated?

 July 2022 e-Magazine; November 2021 e-Magazine; Info about booster; Education Slides in English and Chinese.  

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June 29, 2022 Vaccines Protect Our Families

Information Series Article 2: Vaccines Protect Our Families

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May 02, 2022 Project HEALINGS Covid-19 Information Series

Project HEALINGS information: What are vaccines? 

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April 09, 2022 Project HEALINGS Communication

Sample of partner recordings to encourage Covid vaccination

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Rochester Public School Covid Information


Covid-19 Dashboard 





Latest COVID-19 Information from Key Public/Private Community Based Organizations

United Way of Olmsted County

United Way Funding Opportunities (April 28, 2022)

(a) 2022 RFP  (b)  2020 RFP United Way of Olmsted County is seeking proposals: (1) programs that provide high quality childcare or early childhood education and (2) proposal to "build back better". 

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Economic Relief Proposal for Nonprofit Sector (March 21, 2020)

The United Way Worldwide policy team worked with a small group of leading charities to craft an economic relief proposal for the nonprofit sector. More than 100 national charities have signed on and we are getting traction on Capitol Hill and with the Administration. The letter sent to congress is attached.

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United Way of Olmsted County: Inter-Agency Volunteer Coordination (March 16, 2020)

Inter-Agency Volunteer Coordination: United Way has created a channel for Rochester-area nonprofits to coordinate staffing resources to meet the demand for essential services during a Covid-19 outbreak

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Rochester Nonprofit Consortium

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Structure and Social Determinants of Health (May 05, 2020)

(1) Consortium resources have been temporary redirected to cross-sector COVID-19 response planning in the Rochester are. Please contact Brooke with questions. 

(2) System approach for Social Determinants of Health

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Nonprofits needs townhalls with MN Gov. Leaders (April 07, 2020)

There will be two Town Halls with House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler and Senate HHS Chair and Deputy Majority Leader Michelle Benson on issues facing non-profits Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.

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Together Greater Rochester Area COVID-19 Community Support Fund (April 03, 2020)

(1) Grant Application Now Available for Nonprofits to Apply for Together Fund Grants

(2) Rochester Area Foundation and other community partners announced the creation of a fund called TOGETHER: Greater Rochester Area COVID-19 Community Support Fund. Hosted at Rochester Area Foundation, the TOGETHER Fund will award grants to local nonprofits that are experiencing unforeseen challenges due to the ongoing pandemic.

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Rochester Nonprofit Sector Emergency Response Guidance (March 24, 2020)

Rochester Nonprofit Sector Emergency Response Guidance is a collection of resources and information to share with the community. 

*** Channel One's staff is overextended and requests that clients and social service professionals do not call their offices. Instead, please visit Channel One's website for current information food distribution. 

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Family Service Rochester


Family Service Rochester implements COVID-19 Grocery Shopping Service (March 27, 2020)

Family Service Rochester implements COVID-19 Grocery Shopping Service

Olmsted County residents who are homebound and unable to shop for groceries can contact Family Service Rochester for help. FSR will match requests with a volunteer to assist with shopping.
Requests can be submitted online at or by calling 507-218-3267 between 9 am – 3 pm. All volunteers have background checks and COVID-19 screening for health and

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Olmsted County


Olmsted County Kiosks to increase access to county services and information (August 19, 2021)

 In an effort to help eliminate barriers such as transportation and increase access to Olmsted County services, the county is placing 11 kiosks in various locations across the community.

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COVID-19 Impact Survey and Vaccine Update (February 04, 2021)

(1) Covid-19 Impact Survey (2) Priority groups are set by the Federal government. Each state has set priorities about who gets the vaccine first, based on these recommendations.

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Rochester Community Warming Center (November 14, 2020)

The Rochester Community Warming Center (200/204 4th Street SE in Rochester) is gearing up for the start of its winter season in a larger space.

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County of Olmsted, MN Covid CARES Funding (November 13, 2020)

(1) Nonprofit grant with RAF (2) SMB grant with RAEDI (3) CARES Act Funds allocation.

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COVID Communication Survey (May 01, 2020)

Survey results on COVID communication resources and challenges. The Olmsted County Incident Command Safety Officer is the point of contact for engaging Public Health Technical Specialists in community outreach efforts:

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Diversity Council

CHAP Covid Survey (February 20, 2021)

  Olmsted County Community Health Assessment & Planning (CHAP) Covid Impact Survey

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Diversity Council Newsletters with COVID-19 Info (November 20, 2020)

Insight of all that is going on throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Diversity Council wants to remain a connector and convener for all those in need throughout our community. If you are aware of valuable information and resources, please email and we will do our best to increase awareness.

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Diversity Council coordinating Conservation Corp teams (November 16, 2020)

Diversity Council is coordinating an ask to the City of Rochester for Conservation Funds.  

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Rochester Area Foundation


ServeMinnesota is quickly moving to respond to the crisis created by COVID-19 (April 14, 2020)

ServeMinnesota is quickly moving to respond to the crisis created by COVID-19 and launching the Minnesota AmeriCorps Emergency Response Initiative. They are creating 200+ positions for AmeriCorps members who can be deployed to help organizations serve their communities during this difficult time – particularly in the areas of food insecurity, distance learning, help for older adults, support to help the health care system and more.

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Y Childcare for School Age Children of Essential Workers (March 20, 2020)
Governor Tim Walz Announces Partnership with YMCA to Care for School-Age Children of Essential Workers, Register Links and  Y Message about COVID-19 and mission from Glen Gunderson

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COVID-19 Vaccines and Your Community: What You Need to Know (January 26, 2021)

TPT|NOW and five cultural media partners, the MN Department of Health and Wellshare International are producing five culturally specific “top questions/answers” and 30-minute broadcast programs: COVID-19 Vaccines and Your Community: What You Need to Know.

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Request for Services: Diverse Media Vendors for COVID-19 Communications (April 17, 2020)

4/17/2020 Updates 

Request for Services: Diverse Media Vendors for COVID-19 Communications

4/10/2020 Updates Include:

  • Status of COVID-19
  • Extended Stay at Homer Order
  • Work protections
  • Making Recommendations in Childcare
  • Funding Grants

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MDH Cultural and Faith Communities Update (March 28, 2020)
(1) 3/28/20 COVID-19 updates include:
  • Status of COVID-19 in Minnesota
  • Governor Walz Issues Stay at Home Order for Minnesotans
  • Governor's #StayHomeMN PSA with Subtitles in 7 Languages
  • Updates on MDH Multilingual Resources for COVID-19
  • City of Minneapolis Cultural Radio Shows Discussing COVID-19
  • Other #StayHomeMN Resources
  • Other Updates

(2) 3/12/20  MDH COVID-19 Community Updates on COVID-19 - 3.12.20

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Response Materials in Multiple Languages (March 25, 2020)

Materials and Resources for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Response

Video PSAs, print materials, and translated documents to assist with preparing for and responding to COVID-19.

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State of MN

Governor Tim Walz announced the next phase of the COVID-19 response (July 13, 2020)

2020-07-13: Following the advice of public health experts, Governor Tim Walz today extended the COVID-19 peacetime emergency that gives the state flexibility in responding to critical issues stemming from COVID-19. COVID-19 continues to present an unprecedented and rapidly evolving challenge to our state. The peacetime emergency has provided us tools to save lives and mitigate the impacts of this pandemic.

In conjunction with this announcement, the Governor signed Executive Orders to protect Minnesotans most at risk from the virus and safeguard workers. The first Executive Order strongly encourages Minnesotans at greatest risk of serious illness to continue staying home. The second Executive Order
ensures workers can raise concerns regarding the safety of their work environments without fear of discrimination or retaliation. It also protects workers from loss of income if they refuse to work under unsafe or unhealthy conditions.
Following the guidance of public health officials, the Governor today announced a preliminary set of health indicators that could trigger a decision to re-impose restrictions to slow the spread of the virus. These indicators will be refined over time as we learn more about the virus and the course of the
pandemic in Minnesota.  

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Important Update on Applying for Unemployment Insurance Benefits (March 30, 2020)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Minnesota's Unemployment Insurance team members are processing more applications for unemployment benefits than ever before. It is our top priority to process applications efficiently and effectively, and to ensure that we can deliver for Minnesotans in this time of need.

To ensure our system can handle the increased activity we are experiencing, we are asking that *new* unemployment insurance applicants apply online on an assigned day, based on your social security number (SSN).

If you need to apply for unemployment benefits for the first time, please refer to the schedule below to learn when you are scheduled to apply. You will only be allowed to apply on your assigned day - or on Thursday or Friday if you missed your assigned day.

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Discrimination Helpline (April 06, 2020)

This toll-free helpline reinforces the state’s efforts to protect the civil rights of Minnesotans. It allows those who experience or witness bias and discrimination to report incidents to our Department.

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Pinned Covid News


United Way of Olmsted County : United Way Funding Opportunities

(a) 2022 RFP  (b)  2020 RFP United Way of Olmsted County is seeking proposals: (1) programs that provide high quality childcare or early childhood education and (2) proposal to "build back better". 

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Project HEALINGS of MN : Press Release: $ 1M grant from HRSA

"The Diversity Council, a nonprofit based in Rochester MN, has received $1 million in grant funding from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) through its “Local Community-Based Workforce to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Access” Initiative for Covid-19 Vaccine promotion and awareness."

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City of Rochester, MN : City of Rochester, MN Study Session on DEI

Rochester City Council session on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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Destination Medical Center (DMC) : Destination Medical Center (DMC) Plan 5 Year Update

November Newsletter, 5 Year Plan Update draft, webinars on land investments, DMC status and Covid impacts. Reminder to comment on 5 year plan update 

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Rochester Downtown Alliance : Rochester Downtown Alliance Downtown and Inteview Series

(1) Downtown restaurants reopening and (2) Preparing to re-open and interviewing Rochester Area Nonprofit Consortium about COVID. 

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Rochester-area Chamber of Commerce : Rochester-area Chamber of Commerce - back to work info series

Topics include: 5 Steps to Reopening your business safely, Liability Concerns for Reopening Your Business

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Non-profit Consortium Buildout : Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Structure and Social Determinants of Health

(1) Consortium resources have been temporary redirected to cross-sector COVID-19 response planning in the Rochester are. Please contact Brooke with questions. 

(2) System approach for Social Determinants of Health

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Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans (CAPM) : COVID-19 Survey and Resource List

In the last month we have seen an influx of challenges and barriers affecting our API communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the challenges we are hearing from our communities is the closure of schools and the implementation of distance learning.

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Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation : The Resilience of the Nonprofit Sector Shines Through

This time of uncertainty has pushed nonprofit organizations to tap into their creativity and come up with inventive ways to engage and serve their communities. At the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation, community is our compass, so we are inspired to see the community-led ingenuity of the nonprofit sector during this pandemic.

Below are several nonprofits we fund that are offering resources and virtual programming during Minnesota’s mandated stay at home order:

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Community Covid-19 News

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December 14, 2022: Project HEALINGS of MN

All BIPOC Community Based Groups hosting cultural events whre vaccine information is provided and vaccinations can be offered are welcome to apply. 


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December 14, 2022: Equity in the Built Environment (Bloomberg)

(1) December 2022, Featuring Chao Mwatela, DEI Director, Rochester, MN (2) Bloomberg News (local infrastructure Hub (3) Keep it local grant recognized by Bloomberg

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October 25, 2022: Microwash

100K boost by NMotion via its growth accelerator program to Microwash.

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September 03, 2022: Project HEALINGS of MN

Vaccination empowers learning learning about health and wellness: Covid disproportionate health impacts to black community. 

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July 22, 2022: Project HEALINGS of MN

 July 2022 e-Magazine; November 2021 e-Magazine; Info about booster; Education Slides in English and Chinese.  

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June 29, 2022: Project HEALINGS of MN

Information Series Article 2: Vaccines Protect Our Families

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June 08, 2022: State of Minnesota

To thank those Minnesotans who worked on the frontlines during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency, Gov. Tim Walz signed Frontline Worker Payments into law April 29, 2022, enabling those workers to apply for Frontline Worker Pay. Application dates are June 8 through July 22, 2022.

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May 02, 2022: Project HEALINGS of MN

Project HEALINGS information: What are vaccines? 

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October 15, 2021: Project HEALINGS of MN

Project HEALINGS kickoff, 10/16/2021 and other related information

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August 20, 2021: Project HEALINGS of MN

"The Diversity Council, a nonprofit based in Rochester MN, has received $1 million in grant funding from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) through its “Local Community-Based Workforce to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Access” Initiative for Covid-19 Vaccine promotion and awareness."

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