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Featured DEI Projects

ACT-SO Olympics of the Mind (Plan)

ACT-SO’s enrichment program supports students collaborating with local volunteers, mentors, and organizations to develop projects and participate in workshops, tutorials, and field trips.

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Bridges to Careers (Available)

Join the many students who have started their college career at Hawthorne Education Center! We offer unique enrollment options to accommodate our students with diverse experiences and needs. We also offer additional resources in the following areas: Applying for RCTC & for Financial Aid Career Planning and Job Placement Academic Support at both Hawthorne and RCTC

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Building Out Community Mobilization Resources Coalition (Develop)

Purpose: Change power dynamics to create a pluralistic and intercultural community where all people benefit equitably. Goal: Create equitable access to community resources and civic involvement.

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Community Dashboard (Available)

Many best-practiced communities have implemented community web-based dashboards to provide a "read-out" of the health and wellness metrics of the community. DMCC's website is a push technology and not so much as social, collaborative virtual teaming site. Olmsted County, Mayo, OMG (and others) have just completed a community health study and published a report. We should go further and have a plan to be more agile and responsive in changing statistics by implementing a dashboard.

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Community Engagement Response Team - Rochester, MN (Available)

C.E.R.T (Community Engagement Response Team) is raising money to help keep downtown Rochester safe. Donations will be used to increase patrols of downtown Rochester. Right now C.E.R.T has six volunteer patrol team members that will be patrolling the streets every weekend from 12 am until 3 am. While the six patrol team members are volunteers right now, our goal is to be able to provide a small stipend for their time in helping keep the streets of Rochester safe.

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DMC Housing as I Infrastructure (Plan)

DMC Supporting: 1. Create new home ownership opportunities; 2. Increase homeownership for People of Color; 3. Create housing for people at 50% AMI or less; 4. Enhance housing options for seniors; 5. Preserve our affordable housing stock

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Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan (Develop)

Every child and young adult succeeds cradle to career, through shared purpose, alignment and accountability among community partners This is the purpose of the Cradle to Career initiative in Rochester, Minnesota. Education is a powerful strategy to improve educational outcomes resulting in healthy individuals, families and community who have economic stability with productive careers and contribute positively to a civic and equitable society.

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Discovery Walk Co-designing (Develop)

Public realm along the 2nd Avenue corridor from 2nd Street to 6th Street (Soldiers Field.)

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Diversity Council Rochester Area Racial Attitude Survey (Available)

Update to the 2006 survey. The Diversity Council first collaborated with a community task force to survey local attitudes toward race in 1990. In 2006, a second survey was conducted in association with Luther College. The 2006 survey duplicated many questions from the original survey in order to accurately measure how attitudes have changed over time. This latter survey also included additional questions focusing on immigration, and on actions as well as attitudes.

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Diversity in Education Blog (Available)

A Mayo Clinic staff blog site that features personal insights and stories on lived diversity experiences.

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Equity Alliance Equity Series (Develop)

Our purpose is to accelerate equitable change and impact disparities through reparations, restoration, and reformation based in radical collaboration.

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Journie 8 Step Program (Available)

Today's youth face many challenges on their journey through adolescence and transition into adulthood. At Journie, we know that our youth are smart, creative, and curious. We see their limitless potential and aim to provide them with the skills and resources to envision and attain their ideal future. Journie is unique in its provision of high-quality, ongoing mentorship in addition to needs-based education and interactive learned experience. Our staff at Journie are culturally competent and can provide life skills based off lived experience. Journie focuses not only on personal development, but on building a supportive, vibrant and engaged community for our young people where they can be naturally expressive in a safe, non-judgmental space.

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Mobilizing Olmsted Voices for Equity (M.O.V.E) (Develop)

The Mobilizing Olmsted Voices for Equity (M.O.V.E.) community council aims to foster meaningful connections and cultivate trust between our community and local government. M.O.V.E. is comprised of passionate individuals committed to effecting positive change. It serves as a vital link, ensuring diverse voices in our community are not only heard but actively engaged in shaping county policies and programs, with an early emphasis on public health-related topics.

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Page Amendment (Plan)

Constitutional amendment to make it a right for every child have access to quality education. Every child deserves a quality public education.

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Partcipation in DEED's Digital Opportunity Plan (Plan)

1.1.1 | Vision Statement This plan envisions a future where digital equity connects all Minnesota residents to opportunities, options, and each other. 1.1.2 | Goals and Objectives The following list provides a summary of Minnesota’s digital opportunity goals and objectives as proposed in this plan. Further details, including specific strategies and key performance indicators, are spelled out at length in Section 3.0. Goal 1: Connect People to People 1. Minnesota’s digital opportunity advocates and educators statewide are a strong, united group who can lean on each other for fresh ideas, new strategies, and consistent support. 2. All Minnesotans have access to a trusted provider of digital skills training, including training that addresses cybersecurity. 3. All Minnesotans have access to a trusted provider of quality technical support. Goal 2: Connect People to Information 1. Minnesotans can access comprehensive data and mapping tools to evaluate digital opportunity in their area as well as statewide. 2. All Minnesota cities, counties, and tribes have the opportunity to create localized data-driven digital opportunity plans to support their residents and tribal members. 3. All city, county, and tribal government units have the opportunity to re-design their websites so that they are fully accessible to people with disabilities and people with limited English literacy skills. Goal 3: Connect People to Resources 1. All Minnesota households have the option to afford the internet service available at their location. 2. All Minnesota adults have the option to have afford a large-screen device or smartphone, whichever most efficiently helps them access the applications they require. 3. New digital opportunity pathways reach Minnesotans who are at high risk for being digitally excluded.

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