Objective 1: Diversity Attention
Focus the community's attention on diversity
1. Improve coordination of diversity efforts.
- Recognize the county-wide Diversity Council to include major employers and other community leaders.
- Recommended Responsible Party: Diversity Council (accomplished 2/5/99)
- Encourage the collaboration of independent citizen's groups to promote diversity efforts.
- Recommended Responsible Party: Existing diversity organizations, faith communities and citizen.
2. Establish a comprehensive diversity action plan.
A. Develop a community consensus committing the community to a series of concrete steps to eliminate racism, to create a welcoming community environment, and to promote the positive values of diversity.
Recommended Responsible Party: 21st Century Partnership Steering Committee
B. Develop a valid instrument to measure community attitudes and perceptions regarding diversity.
Recommended Responsible Party: 21st Century Partnership Steering Committee with the assistance of the Rochester Olmsted Planning Department
C. Track changes annually in the community's response to diversity.
Recommended Responsible Party: 21st Century Partnership Steering Committee with the assistance of the Rochester Olmsted Planning Department
- Measures: Develop a diversity measure component that ties to other 21st Century Partnership key issues.
- Crime - hate crimes, victim/criminal demographics, survey data
- Education and Workforce Readiness - high school graduation rate, employer feedback, survey data
- Jobs and the Economy - employment, demographics, survey data
- Neighborhoods - Human rights complains, voting records, survey data
- Youth, Families and the Elderly -school data (i.e. graduation rates, exceptional students demographics, etc), family services data (elderly, runawasy, sucidese, etc).
- Rural and Small City Vitality -economic indicators and survey data.
D. Develop strategies to respond to survey findings
Recommended Responsible Party: 21st Century Partnership Steering Committee
- Measures: Surveys demonstrating improved perceptions of opportunity, safety, and openness.